Thursday, October 7, 2010

Captain Jack Sparrow Visits London School!

Photo from

Johnny Depp paid a surprise visit to a school in London while taking a break from filming Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. A nine year old student had written this note to him:

Captain Jack Sparrow,
At Meridian on Old Woolwich Road, we are all a bunch of budding young pirates. Normally we're a right handful but we're having trouble mutinying against the teachers! We'd love it if you could come and help.
Beatrice Delap
aged 9,
a budding pirate

Depp received the note and he and some of the other cast members decided to swing by to see Beatrice!  The school called all the students in for a special assembly and to their delight, Captain Jack Sparrow walked in!  He showed them Beatrice's letter and gave her a hug. He told her however that maybe they shoudn't mutiny that day because there were police outside monitoring him and they could get into trouble.
Such a cool thing for Depp and his cast mates to do!  I'm sure that was a day those students will never forget! 

To read more about Depp's surprise visit, take a look at these links:

BBC News- Depp Visits School Video Link

Daily Express Article Link

Blastr- Syfy Link

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