Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Blog Update

Hi there!

As you may have noticed I have given the blog a mini makeover.  I took a blogging break and decided to start back up with a new look.  The biggest change I made was that I created a different avatar for myself.  It's simpler and I like to think it represents the kid I am at heart!   Here is the new avatar in various outfits... it's like a paper doll fashion show!

My schedule has been busy the past couple months but part of it included a vacation!  My husband and I went on our first Disney cruise and after returning we spent the rest of the week at Disneyland.  There were a lot of fun experiences that I hope to eventually share here.

Finding time to blog has been a little bit of a challenge but I'm going to continue to try!  I've been thinking of restructuring the blog a bit and possibly even changing the name sometime so there may be some edits here and there as I get around to each item. 

I hope you can stick with me!   I'm not sure how often I'll be able to post but I'm starting off with a goal of once a week.

Thanks for reading!

Until next time,


  1. I like the makeover :D Your avatar is creative and I can't wait to read about your cruise and see pictures. Oh and that TARDIS dress reminds me of the one you made:)

    1. Thanks Marie! I was thinking of that TARDIS dress when created that avatar outfit. ;)

  2. Welcome back! I like that your new avatars represent all your fandoms! :D

    1. Thanks! :) I'll probably sneak in my other fandoms here and there so I gave the avatar an outfit for every occasion ;)

  3. Totally cute! I can't wait to read about your cruise either! :)


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