Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Marvel at Disneyland

In the fall of last year, Disney made headlines after it bought Marvel Comics which includes superhero characters like Spiderman, Iron Man, and X-Men. When Iron Man 2 was released in theaters this year, I started to notice Marvel items in Disney stores. This past weekend I found some Marvel merchandise at Star Traders in Tomorrowland. To be honest, I'm not really that excited about it. When I think of Marvel, I think of Universal Studios because I usually see superhero merchandise at their theme park. It was strange to stumble across these at the happiest place on earth.


What do you think?  Are you excited about seeing Marvel stuff at Disneyland?  I guess maybe if they start to combine Mickey and other Disney characters with it more like they do with Star Wars items, it'll fit in better.

But I'm not sure, I used to go to Universal Studios in Hollywood frequently and for now it's still pretty weird to see Spiderman toys in the same store as Mickey Mouse ones.

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