Friday, January 31, 2014

Inaugural Tinker Bell 10k

A couple weekends ago I completed the Inaugural Tinkerbell 10k.  Here's my recap of how it went!

On the morning of the 10k, my husband dropped me off at Tiffy's on Katella Avenue.  It was the perfect spot because it was a short distance to the start from there.  I found my friend Mindy and then we walked over together.  We were in Corral D which was near the Paradise Pier Hotel.  It was cold out but I preferred it to the humid weather at the Disneyland 10k last year.  I enjoyed jogging in this weather much better!

Good morning Paradise Pier Hotel!

At 6AM the race began and Corral A got started.  We slowly made our way to the starting line as each corral went.  Tinkerbell appeared on the big screen there and then finally it was our turn!  This ended up being the only place I ever saw Tinkerbell.  I was a little disappointed that we didn't see any of the fairies along the course except for painted on the mile marker signs.
The start of the course took us by Mickey and Friends Parking Structure.  My husband did the Disneyland 10k with me last year but he sat this one out.  To my surprise, he went to different parts of the course and cheered me on throughout the 10k!  It started with him sending me this picture he took at the parking structure of all the runners. 

I'm down there somewhere!

The start was very slow because of how dense the crowd was.  I'm not a fast runner but it was hard to jog or even walk fast because of the narrow paths we kept taking.  The course took us backstage for a bit and eventually we ended up entering Disneyland by Small World.

Going from backstage to "onstage'!

I must say I preferred Disneyland 10k's course because it started off with wider roads so runners were able to spread out better.  As you can see in the picture, at almost a mile we were still surrounded by other people. 

It's a Small World was all lit up so it was fun to jog by!

From there we went to Toontown where we entered a backstage area again.

Exiting Toontown- near the 1 mile marker!

It's always fun to run backstage to me since it's an area I usually don't get to be in.  Before we knew it we were entering Disneyland and running through Critter Country.

My very favorite thing we saw at this 10k was the bride and tightrope walker from the Haunted Mansion.  I'd never seen them before!  I regret not stopping for a picture but the line was much too long.  If we had gotten in that line, we probably wouldn't have met the required pace.  I did manage to snap this photo though!

Ahh!  A Haunted Mansion fan's dream come true!

From there we continued our run through Disneyland- always so much fun!  We exited out the front gate and we spotted my husband rooting for us there!  He snapped this photo of me and Mindy!  I was dressed like the Blue Fairy and she was dressed like Minnie Mouse!

Waving to our fan in the crowd!

Next we jogged into Disney California Adventure (DCA) through their front gates.  I thought it was  exciting to run in through the gates without having to wait in a line or show a ticket.  We ran up Buena Vista Street and back towards Paradise Pier.

Runners at DCA!

We ran down Route 66 and then through Bugs Land!

Bugs Land!

We exited DCA by Tower of Terror.  Again we got slowed down here because of the dense crowd.  I heard later that at around this spot many runners were stopped and carted to the finish line because they didn't make the pace.  I would have been really bummed if that had happened to us.  I think it ended up being beneficial that we didn't make any stops although it's always hard to resist fun photo opportunities. 

Next we ran through some of the streets outside of Disneyland.  This part of the course was not that exciting but we spotted my husband again twice during this part so that definitely made it better!  He was even holding up a sign that said Go Nerissa!  He knew I had been nervous about this 10k since I didn't feel prepared for it.  It was a sweet gesture that he rooted me on and it meant a lot to me! 

Outside of Disneyland

Before we knew it we ran by the mile 6 sign and then we crossing the Finish Line!  I high-fived Goofy as I got there and Mindy took this photo of me in my victory pose!

Blue Fairy rocked it!

It was a great feeling to cross that Finish Line!  After this we received our medals and met my hubby at Paradise Pier Hotel. 


After saying bye to Mindy, we ended up heading into Disneyland to go on the Pinocchio ride since I was dressed like the Blue Fairy.  My running outfit was made by my family and it was so wonderful of them to create it for me!  I had several stressful and busy weeks leading up to this 10k and I feel so lucky to have family that is there for me on when life gets hard.  They all mean the world to me!

Blue Fairy and Pinocchio!  Thanks to my family for my running outfit!

The Tinker Bell 10k was another fun experience and I was glad I was able to finish.  Thanks to my pal Mindy for being my jogging partner!  It's always nice to have company on these runs.  Here's a close up pic of my medal!

I'm a little sad to report that I won't be doing the Disneyland 10k this year.  The sign up was this week and I was tempted but in the end I pushed myself to skip it this time around.  The runDisney events are a lot of fun but they are expensive and I really need to save the money plus I'm not sure what my schedule will be like.  To cheer myself up though I think I will use some of the money I saved to do a couple 5ks that I haven't done before!
I'm really happy that I have been able to do both the Inaugural Tinkerbell 10k and Inaugural Disneyland 10k.  It's not something I ever imagined I would do and I'm truly happy I did them!

Want to read more?

The Tink Half runDisney Expo

Check out what I had on my nails for the Tink 10k!

My friend Mindy's post about Tink Half

My post about last year's Disneyland 10k!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Tinker Bell Half Marathon runDisney Expo 2014

This past weekend I completed the Tinker Bell 10k!  It was a really great weekend and it all started with visiting the Health and Fitness Expo.

My first stop was picking up my packet that contained my running bib.  

My bib came along with the Tink 10K pin.  I don't remember ordering it but I was happy I did because it was cute!

Next I went upstairs to pick up my shirt at the Expo. 

I was pleasantly surprised when I received it.  I liked the design and color. 

I explored the rest of the Expo after that.  There were some interesting stands but there didn't seem to be as many as there were for the Disneyland 10k weekend last fall.  

I enjoyed the New Balance stand.  I didn't actually try on any of their new shoes but I liked the booths that were there to sit on while you did so I hung out there for a few minutes.

Super cute Minnie booth!

Sorcerer Mickey giving me some pointers for my 10k!

New Balance crew photobomb!

I visited the Sparkle Athletic stand where I saw a friend (delovelydetails) who was working there and I bought a running skirt for my next run event. 

I walked by the stage where Margaret Kerry was speaking.  She was the original animator's reference model for Walt Disney's Tinker Bell!

Last stop I made was the runDisney merchandise area.  They didn't have anything that interested me but I was tempted to take this guy home!

After walking around the Expo a little bit more, I headed home where my husband made me a yummy plate of spaghetti!  I had been away for work most of the week so it was nice to have a hot meal the night before the 10k.  After that I got ready for the next day and went to bed!

Next post:  A recap of my Tinker Bell 10k Experience!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Disney Coffee at Home- Joffrey's Coffee

Do you like Disney AND coffee?  Then you should check out Joffrey's Coffee & Tea Company!  You can find Joffrey's Coffee at Disney World,  Disneyland, and Disney Vacation Club.  It is available in-room at some of their hotels and served at many of their restaurants.  I was excited to read about Joffrey's before Christmas because it was the perfect gift for my husband! 

They have several Disney options available on their website now that you can have sent to your home.  I picked out the French Bistro Blend, Carthay Circle, and Artist Point.
I love the packaging of each!  Here they are up close.

French Bistro Blend

Carthay Circle

Artist Point

My husband was happy with the surprise!  We tried one right away (the French Bistro Blend) and were not disappointed.

We look forward to trying more!  It's definitely a great way to enjoy a taste of Disney at home or even at work!

Here is the link to Joffrey's Disney Options and where you can order them from:

This is not a sponsored post- my husband and I just really like Disney and coffee.  :)


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