Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Lone Ranger Red Carpet at Disney California Adventure

This past Saturday, my husband and I took a break from our errands to make a quick visit to Disneyland.  I knew The Lone Ranger premiere was going on at Disney California Adventure that day so I thought it'd be fun to see what was set up for it before we continued on our chores list.  Our quick visit ended up not being quick at all but I'm so glad we stopped by because it was definitely worth putting off those chores!

Once we got there we saw that the red carpet for the premiere went up Buena Vista Street, past Carthay Circle and into the Hollywood Pictures Backlot.  Celebrities were already starting to walk down the carpet and there were still some spots for viewing so we snagged one quick to see who was walking by!
The first person we spotted was one that my husband recognized right away!  It was baseball player Cal Ripken, Jr.

Cal Ripken, Jr.

Up next there were several stars that I recognized from the Disney Channel! 

Corbin Bleu from High School Musical!

Jason Earles from Hannah Montana

Jason Dolley from Good Luck Charlie

China Anne McClain from A.N.T. Farm

I didn't really recognize these two but when I looked it up online I saw that they were from ABC Family's Switched At Birth.

Katie Leclerc and Vanessa Marano

As a big Once Upon A Time fan, I was all kinds of excited when I spotted this actress walking by!  I literally did a double take!  It's the Evil Queen!  

Lana Parrilla from Once Upon A Time

Here are some other of my favorites we got to see!

Orlando Jones!!!! from like everything.  okay, not everything but a lot of things!

William Fichtner--  he plays Butch Cavendish in The Lone Ranger!

One of the people we were most excited to see was Krysten Ritter. We have been catching up on the TV show Breaking Bad on Netflix over the past couple months.  I won't give away any spoilers but she's in a few episodes and it was really neat to see her in person.

Krysten Ritter!

It was sometime after this that we started to wonder if we should keep waiting to see if we could spot Johnny Depp or if we should head out.  The idea of being able to see him was very appealing because he is my absolute favorite!  But we weren't sure how well we would be able to see once he got there. 

We decided that since we had been waiting around an hour and a half already we'd give it a little more time.  Eventually the crowd ahead of us started getting really excited and it seemed like the time had come...Johnny Depp was on his way!  People started pushing and those on the bleachers stood up so it became very hard to see.  At this point I was so determined to see him I didn't care, I pushed my way to any area where I could see what looked like Johnny Depp walking by.  I finally reached a spot where I could see perfectly as the excitement of the crowd started to die down... once I got a good look I noticed that something wasn't quite right.

The NOT Johnny Depp

It was a fake Johnny Depp!  Someone decided to dress up just like him and he really fooled everybody!

I was pretty disappointed but it wasn't much longer until the crowd started to get excited again.  This time it was for the real Johnny Depp!  It was hard to see but I spotted him and my husband and I kept following along as he made his way down the red carpet.  I sort of felt like I was in a dream because seeing him anywhere besides on a screen was always something I never thought possible!  It was very surreal.  Most of our photos are blurry because we only had our iPhones with us and we were surrounded by people but here are some of the best ones we got!


Johnny Depp surrounded by fans at the happiest place on Earth!

This next photo may be my favorite of the pictures we got of him.  I love how you can see he's really close but that we are sandwiched between people.

Why hello there Johnny!

Afterwards Johnny Depp left the red carpet through what seemed like a side entrance into Carthay Circle Restaurant and he was gone.  It seemed like he might come back but we decided it was time to get moving.

We headed over to the wine bar by Wine Country Trattoria because it's a nice quiet place to take a break from the park crowds.  After buying some wine we sat down at one of the tables.  We talked about the stars we saw when suddenly my husband grinned, grabbed his wine, and started walking back to the bar.  Confused I turned around and saw Krysten Ritter!!!  She and a couple of her friends were at the wine bar!

We jumped back in line for wine despite the fact that we each had almost a full glass in hand. There wasn't really anyone else around so after she was done at the wine bar I asked her if we could get a photo with her.  We explained we had just seen her episodes of Breaking Bad and were big fans.  She was very nice and said yes!  Originally my husband was going to take a photo of me with her but I figured it'd be more fun if we could all be in the photo so we did a self portrait!

Us with Krysten Ritter!

And that was our Lone Ranger red carpet experience!  What started out as a usual day ended up being amazing!  I look forward to seeing The Lone Ranger when it is in theaters!


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